Thursday, June 5, 2014

Oral-B 3D White toothbrush review

Today I am going to talk about my Oral-B 3D White toothbrush which I found to be a brilliant invention. It is my first electric toothbrush and do I have it for a while now I knew from the first moment that I wasn't going to go back to a regular toothbrush. I find that an electric toothbrush cleans your teeth better than a normal one and leaves you with that dentist clear felling to your teeth. It has a timer which is great so you know exactly how long to brush your teeth, you also don't use as much toothpaste which is probably a good thing. The toothbrush is super easy to yous and it comes whit all the instructions that you need, it tells you how to clean it, how to charge it, about the timer that buzzes and a lot of other stuff that you may find useful. The batteries last for something around a week when you brush 1-2 times a day, you also are not supposed to use it more often, I sometimes use a regular toothbrush by the side. The only downside that I could find is that you must charge it for 16 hours straight, so if you need to use it in that time have your regular toothbrush waiting for you. All in all I am definitely in love with these product and I will surely buy it again after it breaks, which I hope won't be soon.

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