Sunday, June 8, 2014

Vichy Neogenic Shampoo review

Today I am going to talk about my current shampoo which is Vichy Neogenic Shampoo. As I have mentioned in a previous post I have fine thin hair, which is very sensitive and I have been struggling with hair fall lately due to stress and lack of sleep because I have been working a lot. So I decided to give this shampoo a go. I have almost finished up a bottle so I can give a pretty accurate opinion. The shampoo is meant to go with the Negenic treatment which I did not buy but maybe in the future I will purchase it. The shampoo is meant to make your hair thicker and strengthen it and also make it grow. So watt is my opinion about the shampoo. First of all I do not think that it strengthens hair and it certtanly does not reduce hair fall, but it is not meant to anyways, but what it does it given the hair a lot of volume. It gives the hair the appearance off a thicker hair even do I do not think it thickens it. That is what it does for my hair anyways. Like skin everybody's hair is different so it reacts different to products. About the part that it makes my hair grow I can not say for certain because I also use hair masks for that purpose so there is really no way I can tell on my hair, but my sister also bought a bottle of the shampoo and she says that it did make her hair grow faster, and I have also noticed a difference in her hair length. The shampoo leaves my hair feel very clean without a drying effect to it, and it doesn't make my scalp itchy or create dandruff. The shampoo is parraben free and SLS free, which is nice. The price is quite high but you only have to use the tiniest amount so it lasts for a long time. It is a shampoo that I would repurchase if I will not find something better price quality related, and also I am still on the look for a shampoo that strengthens my hair and helps with hair fall and is not as expensive as Vichy Normaderm Shampoos. Normaderm is the name of the line dedicated to hair from Vichy in which you can find treatments, shampoos, masks and balms. Be sure to check out there whole range before deciding to buy one, so that you can see which one is better for your hair tip, because as I have mentioned they are quite expensive. I think that you won't be disappointed with something from Normaderm because Vichy is quite a reliable brand.

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